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Now you can help amplify those efforts and bring them to scale so that change is driven by low-income families themselves. If you want to learn how to flip the current top-down dynamic, contact for more information.

The Liberia Initiative includes almost 200 local efforts that are already having an impact at the family as well as the community level.  They are changing attitudes within the community about their power to change their own lives and community, not waiting for outsiders. These efforts are all self-organized and resident led. All of the participants are committed to pay your investment forward by investing or helping others in their community.  The Liberia project is showing the multiplier effect where one investment can benefit at least 3 other households, create more jobs, create on-the-job training for youth and the dollars will circulate in and grow the local economy.

CII and its local partners will facilitate the transfer of funds so that the family receives 100% of the investment and we will facilitate tracking and sharing of progress data and stories so you can see the impact of your investment.  The families in Liberia are helping us to develop the first equity investment system for micro ventures.  Go to the Liberia Initiative, find, follow, and invest in what people are doing for themselves and their community.